CLEAR (Illustration Friday)
Concepcion Rocca sings...
(Verse One)
"The answer is in the soil
So that's where I will toil
Playing the sun's songs
Which are everyones'."
"Hey ho
Here we go
Expand your mind
Don't be blind."
(Verse Two)
"It's a universal belief
Avoiding narrow minded grief
Because the notes are clear
For those who see and hear."
Colour pencil drawing then Photoshop filters.
I want glasses like Constantine Rocca!
To be clear, and be like that Rocker!
I want his notes if clearness denotes!!
Like this a lot, great colors.
Definitely a one-of -a kind, unique, modern take on the subject. Love it!
As much as I try to avoid narrow minded grief, I tend to run smack-dab right into it.
Very enjoyable stuff.
Anonymous.. denotes are clear, dey certainly are!
Natura.. thanks for visiting.
Taffy.. that's mod!
HarmoniousJosh.. keep grinning!
This might be my most favorite of your drawings! I love the note-eyes, and the little poem is perfect.
Wonderful and great!
Carla.. wow, ta very much!
Scribblesk.. glad you like!
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